Tuesday 18 August 2009

The Conservative Party and the NHS.

This video by Andrew Lansley the Conservatives health spokesman expresses the policies that I think would make the NHS better and why I as a patient of the NHS will be voting Conservative in next years general election

Britain At Its Best.

Look at the faces in the video. Black, Brown and White all together, all having fun.Britain at its very best

Summer in Southend from Oz Smith on Vimeo.

Wednesday 5 August 2009


This song says it all about the bitternest you can feel against those close to you when they betray you!

Roycraft Avenue 2004.

This is a photograph taken of the garden at number seventy Roycraft Avenue on the Thames View Estate, my childhood home, just before I left there in January 2004. A sad time and an angry and bitter time as well. Sad because my mum had just died and I was preparing to leave somewhere I loved and didn`t want to leave and bitter because the two people closest to me my brother and sister in law were trying to not just control my life but use me for there own ends as well.I left the home I loved and moved up to Clacton on my own, knowing no one just because I had to get away from them to survive.Your family can bring you tremendous support and love but they can also be your own worse enemy and in my case that is exactly what they have turned out to be.
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Saturday 1 August 2009

Gordon Brown`s Britain.

This is the reality for people in Gordon Brown`s Britain.